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Writer's pictureNnate Carter

Why the on my block ending hit home for me.

So unless you live under a rock Im sure you seen the On My Block ending for season 3. After being childhood friends and going through almost everything together the crew decided to go their separate ways. Monse became clicktight with her boarding school friends, Ruby and Jasmine are still a couple but they are distant from everyone else. Jamal is seen hanging with the football jocks and you see him and Ruby share a look with each other that could break your heart. Lastly you see Cesar is now in a gang and when you see him turn around, and you notice that he now has a broken heart tattoo. This ending really got to me not only because of how much I love the characters and I don't want their friendship to end but because it reminded me of my own childhood friendships. If you're lucky in this life you are surrounded by real friends. I have gotten to be very lucky in my life to be able to still have some of my childhood friends a part of my life, but there are so many that aren't in my life and I still get kind of sad when I think about them and I still wish the best for them. I remember those days when all of us would sit on our block and talk about our future and how we would be friends forever. Then it all stops once one friend moves away and I just happen to always be that friend that moves away, first I would go visit my old friends or they would come visit me but then eventually it would stop because you know life happens, you start to meet new people and you start to have different interests. Then the phone calls stop and then eventually more and more you just grow apart and the friendship fades. Eventually all you have left is those childhood memories. It's crazy because one day was the last day we would all spend together and we didn't even know it. To all my childhood friends, I still love you and I will never forget all of our memories and all the things we been through. This goes out to, Kaniqa, Dominick, Damon, Britney, David,Teresa, Quinnaya, Darrel, Michael, Kayshawn,Toyia, and Maggie. I love all of yall forever. To the On My Block writers I just want to say you did such a good job with this season and this ending it was the most realistic season finale for the show.

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